Yingjie Zhang

Profile (Person or Position), Last Updated 2014-02-18 13:29:59 , Visibility External RIFCS Published (0012)

Tagged with Nuclear Materials Management, Chemistry


Brief Description Yingjie is a research scientist with a background in inorganic chemistry. He joined the Institute of Materials Engineering in 1998.
His main responsibilities are to perform actinide related research to support ANSTO's waste management program as well as various nuclear material related research programs, eg, to study the radiation damage effects of mixed oxides;
to develop and maintain ANSTO's capabilities on quantitative analysis of actinides and determination of actinide valence states in mixed oxides; to study the effect of HIP-can/waste form interactions and waste form/water interactions;
to supervise and perform active leaching tests to support commercial contracts.
Email Address yingjie.zhang@ansto.gov.au
Family Name Zhang
Given Name Yingjie
Street Address Institute of Materials Engineering Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation New Illawarra Road Lucas Heights NSW Australia
Subject arc-code/030101


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Locator https://openscience.ansto.gov.au/collection/448
Collection Type Profile (Person or Position)
Visibility External RIFCS Published (0012)
Tags Nuclear Materials Management, Chemistry
Metadata Created 2011-03-29 15:49:09
Metadata Updated 2014-02-18 13:29:59