Full-size Creep Rupture Testing of Steel comprising 1/2 Cr 1/2 Mo 1/4 V (Parent constituent)

Dataset, Last Updated 2014-02-18 13:28:42 , Visibility External RIFCS Published (0012)

Tagged with materials, Creep, Materials, Steels, Metallurgy


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Brief Description Temperature iso-stress full-size creep tests were conducted on 1/2 Cr 1/2 Mo 1/4 V Steel under constant load and constant temperature in an argon environment on machines located at the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation
Test specimens conform to the nominal ratio of Lo=5D (16mm thread diameter). Values for creep-extension, temperature and time were recorded at 30 minute intervals for the duration of the test.
Rights Description This collection of data is released as-is. Where data is publicly accessible, data will no longer be subject to embargo and can be used freely provided attribution for the source is given.
Subject arc-code/090506
Creep Rupture Testing
Creep ductility

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Locator https://openscience.ansto.gov.au/collection/432
Collection Type Dataset
Visibility External RIFCS Published (0012)
Tags materials, Creep, Materials, Steels, Metallurgy
Metadata Created 2011-03-28 13:14:46
Metadata Updated 2014-02-18 13:28:42