Dr Kirrily Rule

Profile (Person or Position), Last Updated 2014-02-18 13:28:31 , Visibility External RIFCS Published (0012)

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Brief Description After completing her PhD from Monash University in 2004, Kirrily undertook a postdoc in Canada investigating frustrated pyrochlores.
She then spent 6 years at the Helmholtz-Zentrum-Berlin as instrument scientist on the cold neutron triple axis spectrometer, FLEX.
In 2012 Kirrily returned to ANSTO as an instrument scientist on TAIPAN, the thermal triple axis spectrometer.
Kirrily???s current research includes using neutron scattering techniques, coupled with extreme environments (high magnetic fields and low temperatures) to investigate novel and low dimensional magnetic materials.
Family Name Rule
Given Name Kirrily
Salutation Dr

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Locator https://openscience.ansto.gov.au/collection/876
Collection Type Profile (Person or Position)
Visibility External RIFCS Published (0012)
Metadata Created 2014-02-18 11:59:09
Metadata Updated 2014-02-18 13:28:31